A Typical Summer Evening with Mom

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A Typical Summer Evening with MomI had such a great time living with Mom that summer, just over a year ago, that I have lived with her ever since. Mom was finallly pretty cheerful and enjoying her life five years after her difficult divorce. I guess for her, life began again at fifty. Staying reasonably fit, although rather plump, and having done a little casual dating, she had gotten her confidence back up and she was doing fine. I had been divorced myself for over a year, and although I was 30, I was not looking for a relationship. And I was taking it easy that summer, with my job pretty much from 9 to 5, and then I wrote some or lay around the house a lot on the evenings and weekends while Mom puttered around. Most evenings we ended up sitting in the den watching TV and reading. What was so great about all that, you may wonder. Well, basically it was great because there was nothing else we needed to be happy — several months before, even before I moved in, Mom and I had developed a “little habit” and now we were really there for each other, one hundred percent…Almost every night my m and I lay on the sofa and watched TV or read. It took us a few weeks, which I will explain below, but we eventually figured out exactly how to make each other perfectly happy. It was a hot summer, so we didn’t wear a lot of clothes. She usually lara escort had on a long nightshirt and I had on my loose shorts. After we had been relaxed and comfortable for awhile, sitting back on the sofa in the den, I would usually scoot over and curl up at my mother’s side. She would lift her arm onto the back of the sofa so I could reach up under her nightshirt, where Mom’s big soft tit was lying on her belly, waiting for me to grab. Lifting her pale breast toward me, I would weigh it with my hand, gazing at the big veins before taking her big nipple into my mouth, and then I proceeded to suck lazily. As soon as I started sucking, my penis would get very hard. One of us would pull off my shorts.and then the dick could just stick up into the air. We usually kept on watching TV, or she kept reading. Sometimes she would make comments about the TV show, while I kept on sucking and sucking. “That looks like the guy from Everybody Loves Raymond, what’s his name?”“Hmm, Way Bawome… mmm, mmmm.”“Yeah, that’s right. Ohhh. Flick it with your tongue a little, honey… Ahh. Yes.”I liked to do this for a long time. Sometimes I worked my hand under her big bottom, and she would wriggle cooperatively so my finger could press against her anus. Fingering her pussy while I sucked her breasts, she usually came at some point, shuddering escort lara and bucking a little, her asshole squeezing my buried finger. But she always let me keep sucking. Sometimes my penis started to hurt a bit because it went on for so long, or her nipples got a bit sore. Usually after I sucked on one breast for several minutes, I would switch to the other. I had to clamber over her to get to her other side, which was always nice because I could kind of crawl right across her big body, letting my dick rub across her legs or belly as I moved, or I could stand up and that way just enjoy showing her my erection pointing at her proudly. After letting me suck for a long while and watching my erect penis bob in the air, Mom would eventually touch it lightly just to feel its hardness, then more firmly, and finally grasp it and run it through her fist, stroking harder and harder until she had me moaning and shaking. Sometimes I lost the nipple, but not for long. So she suckled me like I was a baby, but she stroked me like I was a man. In this way she always made me come. Then I would lie peacfully in her lap for a few minutes while she quietly fingered herself and pulled on her nipples, as I slowly got hard again. Then, usually rather suddenly, she would push me off her, get up, walk out of the room, and head down the hall to her bedoroom. lara escort bayan I would watch her big butt as she went and then jump up and follow. I always came upon her lying face down on her bedsheets, her legs together and her hands working between her legs. I would climb up behind her, pull Mom’s big ass open with my hands, and start licking her asshole. As she pushed back into my face my tongue would go deep into her ass. Sometimes I kept licking and tonguing her anus until she would clench her buttocks spasmodically, whimpering softly until she lay still. Other times, I would get very hard again, so after I had her anus all wet and open, I would shove my dick all the way up Mom’s ass. Then she would grunt and cry as I pounded her deeply. She would finger herself as my dick plunged in and out of her ass, until her anus began contracting with her orgasm, and then of course I shot all the rest of my come into her body, up her ass. Finally, we would both lie still, and I would sleep in her bed until morning. Sometimes I would wake up to find myself being suckled at her breast again, and on other days I would wake up to find her slowly slowly sucking me off until I served her morning hot drink — right down her throat. And on other days, I would awake alone in her bed and stumble naked into the kitchen where she stood in her work clothes, preparing our breakfast, greeting me with a big smile, a motherly peck on the cheek and a little pat on my rump.How did all that happen? Maybe I’ll have a chance to tell you about that another time….

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