Efe ile Nilin Hikayesi.-1 “Efe, sana bir şey söylemek istiyorum” dedi Nil. Deniz kenarında bir kafede oturuyorduk. İlk buluşmamızdı. Heyecandan ölecek gibi hissediyordum kendimi… Hoş, o da benden farklı değildi ama, bu cümlenin çok önemli, hayatımı değiştirecek kadar etkileyici bir cümle olduğunu henüz bilmiyordum o anda… Amcamın komşusuydu Nil… Amcama gidip gelirken bana bakışları dikkatimi …
Resmen Yarak Hastası Oldum! (7)
Resmen Yarak Hastası Oldum! (7) Osman beni iki posta sikmiş, ama ben defalarca orgazm olmuştum. Halim kalmamıştı, beraber yatakta yatıyorduk. Ben Eyüp’ün kız arkadaşı olarak onun evinde, onun ev arkadaşıyla nerdeyse evin her yerinde sikişmiştim. Şimdi de koynunda yatıyordum. Osman Eyüp’e bakarken onun kız arkadaşını siktiğini düşünecek, Eyüp ise her şeyden habersiz onunla muhabbet edecek, …
A Wedding Day Treat for Rachel
All of the characters in this story are over the age of 18. Rachel and Emily are 21 and 22 respectively, John is in his mid-forties. * * * “Wow! Emily it’s stunning! You look absolutely beautiful!” Rachel tried her best to act like it was the first time she’d seen Emily’s wedding dress, and …
A Visit to Prague
There are just some things that shouldn’t be talked about out loud, out in the open. Somehow, wanting something didn’t mean she could talk about it — ever — not in the circles where she operated. She had sophisticated friends, who went on about politics and music and wore expensive clothes to brunch. Admitting what …
A Sweet and Tender Night
She looked especially lovely in the soft lights of their favorite restaurant. They held hands and lingered after dinner for about two hours and talked about many things. After each had aired their issues and felt relaxed and cleansed, he leaned over and quietly said, “Honey, you look especially beautiful tonight.” A gleam came to …
A Much Needed Bath
It had been a really long day, everything that could go wrong did. My spirits dragging and my mood hectic on the drive over, thinking I can handle anything else as long as I finally get to feel your arms around me for a little while. Sighing softly as the light turns green and every …
A Day at the Beach
How much we were looking forward to our well-deserved vacation. A few days to relax, let the soul dangle. We could hardly believe our luck when we got a room in a cheap pension. The sun was already caressing us when we arrived. You could smell the sea from far away. So much so that …
A Kissing Contest
We were nervous as we pulled in the parking lot. We had won a chance to take part in a kissing contest to win a cruise. David and I were a hot couple, and had been together long enough to have had lots of practice kissing each other. We had even choreographed a special bit …
A Couple’s First Online Ad
“Ok, it’s published!” Diana’s face glowed in the light of her laptop, the only illumination in the one-bedroom apartment that she shared with Jim. They had barely dated for a year, but their connection had been so intense and immediate that Jim had moved in as soon as his lease had expired. Jim’s athletic, six-foot …
A Bet Gone Wrong
Thanks to hkf999 for the edit. * Ryan and Joseph were walking back to Ryan’s house when they noticed his mother sitting out on the porch. She wasn’t a bad looking woman considering she was in her early forties. Ryan wasn’t to bothered he just thought of her as mom. Some of his friends had …