The Rescuer

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“For God’s sake Mum, stop fussing I’ll be fine, I’m twenty years old for christ sake,” said Molly irritably as she carried her bag out to the car.

“You heard what they said on the weather forecast, they’ve given heavy snow and it’s the day before Christmas Eve, the roads will be really busy,” warned her Mum, following her in and out of the house, “besides, I think you’re being very selfish not spending Christmas with your family.”

“I’m sorry Mum but I’m not going through another Christmas like the last one, It’s the same every year,” the young girl moaned, “all we do is eat too much, drink too much, bicker and argue and then sit there bored stiff, watching whatever crap they’ve put on the telly while Grandad sits in the corner surrounded by brown ale bottles, snoring and farting, it does my bloody head in Mum.”

“Oh come on Molly, it’s not that bad.”

“Yes it is Mum, I need a change.”

“Can’t you talk some sense into her?” asked her Mum, turning to her Dad.

“Nope, I’ve already told her that rust heap of hers won’t make it all the way to bloody Cumbria,” he grumbled, giving his daughter a stern look.

“Yes it will,” she sighed, rolling her eyes as she checked her blonde bobbed hair in the hallway mirror.

“Huh, we’ll see,” her Dad chuckled, “I’ll bet I get a phone call off you in a couple of hours in floods of tears wanting me to come and get you.”

“Dad, it’ll be fine.”

“Can’t you leave it a couple of days love? Just till after Christmas and then see what the weather’s like?”

“Mum, I’m going,” Molly said firmly, “it’s only for a few days; I’ll be back the day after Boxing Day.”

“Well I still think you’re being selfish,” said her Mum as she watched her putting on her hooded jacket.

“Why? I’m spending New Year with you aren’t I?” replied Molly.

“Hmm, you just make sure you ring me as soon as you get there.”

“Yes Mum.”

“And don’t get too drunk.”

“No Mum.”

“And don’t get yourself into any trouble; I know what you and Gemma are like when you get together.”

“Alright Mum, Jesus!” the young girl snapped, getting into her battered old blue Nissan Micra.

Turning the key for a fourth time, the car burst into life. Easing out of the driveway, she waved at her parents who were perched on the doorstep, beeped the horn and pulled away.

“Off we go then,” she smiled to herself, turning up the radio.

She had a long drive ahead of her but it would be worth it, she hadn’t seen Gemma since she moved up there two months ago. The pair had first met at school and had been friends ever since, getting into all sorts of mischief over the years; but a few months back, Gemma had decided to quit college after she got a job offer with a firm up North that was too good to pass up. Although she was pleased for her friend, Molly really missed her, so when she invited her up for Christmas, she jumped at the chance, long drive or not. Despite considering herself to be quite a good driver, well, for a twenty year old at least, she didn’t feel confident enough yet to drive on the motorway; so she was going to have to make the journey on the normal roads, which would take even longer. ‘No matter, it’ll take as long as it takes,’ she thought.

She had been on the road for just over two hours when the first flakes of snow started to fall, but it was only light so she wasn’t really that worried. What was causing her a little more concern was the car; every now and then it kept misfiring and juddering.

“Come on, we can make it,” she muttered to herself, turning the speed up on the wipers as the snow began to fall a little heavier. It was now getting quite dark and the visibility was really poor. Seeing what she thought was her turning, she indicated and turned off down the lane. Suddenly the back end of the car slid out.

“Fuck!” she gasped, turning the wheel frantically.

Luckily, she managed to regain control; with her heart pounding, she slowed right down and gripped the wheel firmly, her insides churning as the old Micra misfired and juddered again.

“Oh no please, come on.” she groaned.

The car lurched along through the worsening blizzard for about another mile or so before finally cutting out and rolling to a halt.

“Oh shit…come on…come on…pleease!” Molly panicked, turning the key over and over, but to no avail.

“You bastard!” she screamed, thumping the wheel; reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her mobile.

“Brilliant, no fucking signal!”

Now starting to feel scared, she began to get a little tearful as she looked out of the window into the gloom watching the snow beginning to pile up. Her Dad had always told her that if she ever broke down anywhere remote or in bad weather to stay in the car. Pulling up the hood on her jacket, she folded her arms and huddled down in the seat; resigning herself to being stuck there until at least morning, shivering as the howling wind buffeted the car….

She guessed she had been there for about a couple of hours when in her half awake state, bebek escort she thought she could hear another vehicle approaching. Blinking as the headlights lit up the car, Molly could make out the shape of a large 4×4. Pulling up just in front of her, a figure in a hooded jacket holding a torch got out, came over and knocked on the window.

“Hello? Are you okay?” asked a female voice.

‘Oh thank God,’ thought Molly, “No, I’ve broke down!” she yelled back through the glass.

“Need a hand?”


“Grab your stuff and come with me; you’ll freeze out here luvvie,” said the woman.

Hesitating for a moment, the young girl accepted the stranger’s invitation.


Grabbing her bags, she got out of the car and trudged over to the jeep, the woman walking alongside her.

“Where were you heading?”

“Emmsford,” replied Molly.

“Emmsford? This isn’t the road for Emmsford, that’s miles away, I think you’ve taken the wrong turning.” said the stranger as they got in the jeep.

“Oh, right,” said the young girl, checking her mobile again.

“Huh, you won’t get a signal out here on that thing luvvie; my names Kathy by the way,” said woman, holding out a gloved hand and pulling down her hood to reveal her flowing red hair with silver grey streaks in the fringe. Molly guessed she was around late forties with brown eyes and a warm friendly smile.

“Molly,” the girl replied, taking the hand and smiling nervously.

“Oh, that’s a nice name,” Kathy smiled, “why don’t you come back to my place? I’ve got a landline, you can phone from there if you like.”

“Erm…okay, thank you.”

“No problem,” Kathy chirped as they slowly pulled away, “poor little thing, you must be bloody frozen, how long have you been there?”

“About a couple of hours; the stupid thing just cut out and then wouldn’t start again,” replied the young girl, pulling down her hood and unzipping her jacket as she started to warm up a little.

As they drove along chatting away, Kathy discreetly studied her young passenger; she was quiet short, barely five feet, she guessed. She was quite chubby and had a cherub like face with soft features and a cute smile, all crowned by her blonde hair that was cut into a bob style. Although she was a little on the young side for Kathy’s taste, it would at least be nice to have some company for a little while; turning off the lane, they arrived at Kathy’s cottage.

“Here we are,” she smiled, undoing her seat belt, “do you need a hand with your stuff?”

“No thanks it’s okay,” said Molly, looking over at the small, rather bleak looking stone building.

“Don’t worry, it’s a lot nicer inside,” said Kathy, noticing the young girl’s anxious expression as they made their way over to the front door. Stepping inside, Molly instantly felt the warmth from the log fire crackling away in the fireplace.

“The phone’s just over there in the corner,” said Kathy pointing to a small table next to the sofa.

“Are you sure you don’t mind? I’ve only got a couple of calls to make.”

“Don’t be daft, of course I don’t mind,” smiled the redhead as she hung up her coat, “Are you hungry?”

“Erm…no I’m alright at the moment thanks.”



“Well, I’m going to have a scotch; care to join me?” said Kathy, picking up two glasses.

“Okay, just a small one” smiled Molly.


“Yes please.”

As Kathy poured the drinks, Molly picked up the phone and dialed home.

“Mum?…hiya…….no I didn’t make it, the bloody car broke down… yeah I know, alright…no no it’s alright I’m fine, this nice lady found me and took me to her place; that’s where I’m phoning you from…no I haven’t phoned Gemma yet, I’m gonna ring her in a minute…I don’t know yet, I’ll think of something…yeah alright Mum I’ll see you in a few days, bye.”

Putting the phone, she took a sip from her glass and sighed.

“You know, with the weather like it is, I doubt if you’ll be able to get through to Emmsford, at least not for a few days; I’d give you a lift but I don’t think even my jeep would cope with this snow and it’s getting worse,” said Kathy, smiling apologetically at her guest.

“Hmm, I know,” the young blonde muttered, looking glumly at the floor.

“Erm…you’re quite welcome to stay here,” Kathy offered, “I’ve got a spare room, the bed’s already made, I got it ready for my sister, she was supposed to spending Christmas with me but obviously she can’t get through now because of the snow.”

With no other option available, all Molly could do was accept, even if the thought of spending Christmas with a virtual stranger did make her feel a little uncomfortable.

“Thank you,” she said, smiling nervously and knocking back her drink.

“Another?” asked her host.

“Why not?” she shrugged, handing over her glass.

After Molly had phoned Gemma, the pair sat chatting; the young girl telling Kathy about some of the things her and Gemma used to get up istanbul escort to, laughing and relaxing in the warm cosy atmosphere as the drink flowed. Not really being keen on whisky, Molly had opened a bottle of Bacardi she had originally bought for her friend, but with her being trapped there she thought she might as well make good use of it.

“Hmm,” smiled Kathy, shaking her head, “it’s funny you know; the moment I first got a good look at you in the jeep I thought you looked like a right little bag of mischief.”

“I don’t know what you mean?” Molly giggled drunkenly.

“Yes you do, that cheeky smile of yours for a start.”

“Hmmm, I think I’ll have a shower and get ready for bed,” Molly yawned, blushing a little.

“Alright luvvie, the spare room’s the door on the right.”

“Okay “……

About ten minutes later, Molly came back downstairs dressed in her dark blue silky pyjamas. Kathy could feel the butterflies in her stomach flutter as her gaze fell on cute little blonde.

“Erm…I thought I’d just have one more before I turned in,” said Molly, pouring herself another large measure and settling back down on the sofa.

“I hope the spare room is okay for you,” said Kathy.

“Yes it’s lovely, thank you,” her young guest smiled.

“See, I told you this place is a lot nicer on the inside.”

“Hmm, it’s very cosy,” said Molly, taking another sip of her drink, “don’t you ever get lonely here though?”

“Hmm, sometimes,” Kathy shrugged, “I didn’t originally move here on my own, I was with someone.”

“What happened to him?”

“She moved back to Manchester, her name was Annabel.”

“Err…oh right, sorry, I shouldn’t really have asked, it’s none of my business really,” said Molly, taking a large gulp from her glass as she felt her face going red.

“It’s quite alright,” giggled Kathy, smiling at her guest’s flustered expression, “there’s no need to be embarrassed.”

“Err…no no I’m not,” Molly insisted, feeling her heartbeat getting faster, “I just would never have guessed you were, err…you know.”

“A lesbian?” the older woman smiled.

“Erm, yeah.”

“Why; it doesn’t bother you, does it?”

“No no, not at all,” said Molly, smiling nervously.

“Okay,” said Kathy, smiling back at young blonde.

For a few moments the pair sat in silence; the reason Molly had been so embarrassed by Kathy’s revelation wasn’t because it bothered her, but because it played on her fantasies. Although considering herself to be straight, she had always wondered what it would be like to sleep with another woman, to make love, to feel another woman’s skin against hers. Sure, her and Gemma had kissed a few times, but that was just messing around, they had never gone any further than that; not that she would with Gemma anyway, that just wouldn’t feel right. Taking another sip from her drink, Molly tried to break the silence.

“So, didn’t Annabel like it up here then?”

“Hmm, she tried her best, bless her,” said Kathy, “but she was too used to city life I think; she got bored, we started to argue more and that was it.”

“How long were you together?”

“Oh only a couple of years; I’ve been here on my own for about six months now,” replied Kathy, topping up her glass.

“Oh right, well I’m off to bed now,” Molly yawned, getting up and stretching.

“Okay luvvie.”

Leaning over, the young girl hugged her host.

“Thanks for letting me stay,” she whispered.

“That’s alright; well I couldn’t really leave you out there could I?” Kathy smiled.

Feeling a sudden rush as their eyes met, Molly kissed her softly on the cheek; fighting the temptation building within her, Kathy kissed her back on the cheek and smiled.

“Go on, I’ll see you in the morning,” she said softly.

“Okay…night,” said Molly, feeling her face burning as she made her way to the stairs.

“Night luvvie.”

Hearing her guest climbing the stairs, Kathy puffed out her cheeks and shook her head as she emptied the last drop of whisky into her glass. Despite being physically starved for months, she couldn’t really take advantage of this situation, could she? Fair enough, Molly was very cute but she was also very young, whereas she was in her mid fifties, old enough to be her mother by quite a long way. Anyway, even though she thought there was something about that kiss and the way she looked at her, she couldn’t be absolutely sure, it might just have been the drink.

“Hmm, no I couldn’t,” she smiled to herself; emptying her glass, she decided to go for a shower.

Lying there in the warm bed, Molly tried desperately to fall asleep, but it was no good, all she could think about was Kathy. Closing her eyes, she slipped her hand under the waistband of her pyjamas, inside her thong and gently rubbed her clit as she imagined being held and caressed by the mature redhead as she made love to her, smoothing her hands up and down her body.

“Ohhh God…yes,” she groaned as she rubbed harder, beyoğlu escort desperate for release.

Suddenly she heard Kathy coming up the stairs; pulling her hand out of her pyjamas, she lay there rigid as Kathy walked past her door, into the bathroom and turned on the shower….

After around ten minutes in the shower, Kathy stepped out and dried herself off before wrapping another towel around her; combing her hair straight, she then stepped out on to the landing to find Molly standing in the doorway of the spare room.

“Oh, sorry did you need the bathroom?” she asked.

“No,” replied Molly slowly pacing over to the older woman and placing her hands on her shoulders.

“Molly, look I don’t thi…mmmm”

Cutting her off in mid sentence, Molly crushed her lips Kathy’s, pushing her tongue hard into the redhead’s mouth; pulling away, Kathy looked into the young girl’s eyes.

“Molly I..”

“Pleease!” the young blonde gasped, slightly digging her fingers into Kathy’s shoulders.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Kathy whispered, softly kissing and nuzzling Molly’s neck.


“Shhhh, okay.”

Leading the young blonde into her bedroom, Kathy took her in her arms and laid her down on the bed, losing her balance as Molly dragged her on top of her and began kissing her once more, the young girl moaning ecstatically as she clawed the towel.

“Molly, slow down…relax…there’s no rush,” Kathy purred as she stroked the young girl’s hair and gently kissed her neck.

“I want you…I want you…please,” she groaned, pulling at Kathy’s long hair.

“Shhh sh sh…alright.”

Moving her hand down, Kathy unbuttoned the pyjama jacket and slipped her hand inside the bra, her finger circling the right nipple as it stiffened to her gentle touch.

“Aaaaahh…oh God….yes!” Molly cried, pushing the older woman away, she sat up, quickly stripped naked and pulled at Kathy’s towel.

“Take it off…take it off….pleease Kathy!” she begged.

Getting up off the bed, Kathy undid the knot and the towel slipped to the floor; for a woman of her age, she had a trim figure with large breasts and toned thighs, between which was a dark triangle of pubic hair.

“Oh God!” Molly gasped, taking in the beautiful vision of the naked woman stood before her.

In the half light coming through the door from the landing, Kathy cast her gaze over the young girl kneeling on her bed. Her figure was soft with a little bit of puppy fat around her hips, thighs and belly, with pert breasts and firm erect nipples. A thin line of dark hair down her waxed pussy confirmed Kathy’s suspicions that she probably wasn’t a natural blonde; but that didn’t take anything away from her, she was absolutely adorable, her bright blue lust filled eyes staring wantonly back at her. Lying back down on the bed, she grabbed the chubby little blonde and kissed her passionately, their tongues wrestling as their naked bodies entwined.

“Aaaahh ohhh yes yes!” Molly gasped, breaking off the kiss and running her hands all over Kathy’s smooth soft skin. Rolling Molly on to her back, Kathy gently kissed down and gripped her left nipple between her teeth, slowly running her tongue over it and sending shockwaves through the young girl.

“Aaaaaaahhh ohhhhhh fuck…..Kathy yeah…yeeaah!”

Sucking hard on the stiff nipple, the redhead slipped her hand between Molly’s legs and massaged the soft moist lips, gently stroking the swollen clitoris.

“AAAAAAAHHH OH MY GOD KATHY YYYEEEEAAAAHH!” the blonde screamed, dragging her fingernails down the older woman’s back.

“Ow ow ow, gently baby,” Kathy whispered, smiling and kissing her on the forehead.

“Sorry….sorry don’t stop…don’t stop,” she groaned, kissing and sucking Kathy’s neck.

“Shhh sh sh….alright.”

Kissing her way back down Molly’s writhing body, Kathy stopped at her belly, licking and nibbling the soft flesh. With her clit throbbing unbearably, Molly tried desperately to push Kathy’s head further down.

“Please…please…stop teasing me…pleease!” she begged, wrapping her legs around the redhead’s torso; smiling to herself, Kathy gently kissed the soft moist folds and ran her tongue over the rock hard clit.

“OHHHHHHH MY GOD …KATHY!” Molly screamed, digging her fingers into the bedclothes and shaking her head as Kathy licked and sucked at the sweet tasting flesh, pushing the young girl ever closer to blissful release.


Pushing her tongue deep inside, Kathy felt the muscles spasm as the orgasm coursed through the young girl, her body writhing in ecstasy as the waves broke over her.


“Oh my God Kathy that was beautiful,” Molly sobbed as her body relaxed, falling back on the bed exhausted.

“Hmm, would you like to try something else?” the redhead purred, stroking Molly’s hair and gently nuzzling her neck.

“Yes…oh God yes,” Molly whispered, closing her eyes.

“Okay baby.”

Slipping between Molly’s legs and gripping her left thigh, Kathy slowly began to trib the young girl, gently grinding her pussy against Molly’s.

“Aaaahhh ohhhh oh God!” the blonde gasped, her eyes wide open.

“Relax,” Kathy whispered, thrusting a little harder.

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