
Candice Rebels


Copyright © 2015 R. Hyull

All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the copyright holder.

This is a work of fiction and any similarity with real persons or events is entirely coincidental.. All characters are over the age of 18.

WARNING: This story contains explicit erotica not suitable for puritans, those under 18 and anyone of a nervous disposition.

Chapter One

‘It’s no good’, he thought to himself as he tried turning over and lying in a different position. I’m just too hyped up to switch off my mind tonight. It had been a busy and successful day at the office but now it was 2am and sleep simply wouldn’t come. ‘I need something to relax myself and take my mind off business.’ And he had a pretty good idea of exactly what he needed. Something nicely curved in shape; a pink and white fluffy confection that would give him lots of physical exertion and be just the thing to get him off to sleep.

“Yes Mr. Stormbringer?” It wasn’t the first time he had used the intercom between his apartment and the more modest one Candice occupied alongside his own on the top floor of his office building. She had been installed there over a week by then and Stormbringer had repeated his interviewing technique a number of times. But it still led the man to congratulate himself on his forethought in getting the girl settled close by. Her bright response also led him to wonder if she ever slept, or if she simply woke up very much easier than he did himself. Whatever the time, the young woman next door never sounded tired or disoriented by sleep.

“I need you to fix me a drink,” he replied. ‘You always seem to get the proportions just right.’ It was a thin excuse but his understanding of the girl had taught the man that such visits required him to make some innocuous demand and then let the situation develop ‘naturally’ into more carnal pursuits. He still couldn’t figure out if Candice was fooled by that progression or if she knew what to expect. But if he had ever just come out and said what he really wanted, it would have flustered the girl horribly. So he played the game and got what he wanted without causing her to become uncomfortable.

He was a very considerate boss, all said and done.

Occasionally Stormbringer had thought about simply moving the girl in with him so she would always be within reach. As it was, however, he had the best of both worlds. Candice was nicely accessible when he wanted her, while maintaining the fiction that she was really employed by the business just for her skills as a tour guide and receptionist. And after all, it was not unknown for him to entertain other nubile females when the mood took him. So far he hadn’t introduced Candice to the possibilities of three-way sex, let alone had her experience the variety of demands likely to be made upon her by the other inhabitants of the building, both human and alien. He was breaking her in slowly.

Seconds later the bedroom door opened and Candice stepped through it wearing something white and filmy, carrying his drink. Stormbringer had made it clear very early on that when he called for her he wanted her there right that moment; she shouldn’t take the time to get dressed and made up. It was another advantage of having the girl within reach through the private connecting door between their apartments. Depending on the time of day she could appear in her uniform, her nightdress, or wearing nothing but a towel if his call came as she was showering.

On most women the nightgown would have looked rather chaste but it took more than a layer of satin to disguise the swell of impressive breasts and the smooth curve of hips. The man found himself reacting with easy anticipation under the covers. Propping himself up on one elbow, Stormbringer watched the young woman glide towards himself, feet encased in some extremely fluffy pink slippers which suited her personality perfectly. Reaching the bed, Candice bent forwards and carefully placed the glass on the bedside table, within easy reach of her employer. As she did so, gravity caused the fairly modest neckline of her nightgown to gape open somewhat and display the beginnings of an impressive cleavage. With a lazy movement, Stormbringer reached up and insinuated his hand into the garment, feeling the warm softness of the girl’s pendant breast like velvet beneath his touch.

Candice froze in place, which was normal. But what she said was the last thing he was expecting. “I don’t think you should do that, Sir!”

Stormbringer blinked and it was some moments before he could adjust to the words well enough to formulate a response. Even then it was rather a pathetic one. “You don’t think I should do that?” he parroted in amazement.

“No Sir!”

Candice straightened up, which meant Stormbringer had to either remove his hand or hope the material ripped open. He took the easy way out and reached for his drink instead. After a shock like that, he felt in need of it. The alcohol helped and Stormbringer began to gather Anadolu Yakası Fetiş Escort his wits and his normal sense of self-possession. Fixing the girl’s startling green eyes with his pale blue ones, the man repeated his comment rather more forcefully. “You don’t think I should do that?” Candice blushed and squirmed with embarrassment but showed no signs of relenting.

“No Sir. I’ve been reading this book,” Candice ploughed on doggedly. “It’s by Janine Queer and it says that my body belongs to me and no one should be just touching me without my permission.” Stormbringer groaned silently to himself. Damned feminists perverting perfectly useful, happy girls into denying their natural submissive acquiescence and trying to turn them all into butch harridans just like themselves! He figured they were probably either dykes or frigid and, either way, jealous of other women who got lots of sex. The same people picketed his building on occasion, insisting that the highly paid models were somehow being taken advantage of just because they were required to take their clothes off to pose erotically for the artists there. Well, none of the models themselves complained. Rather they were proud of their financial independence and took good care of their assets to prolong careers as much as possible. Most of them even enjoyed the extra-curricular demands that were made upon them, as he well knew. And now Candice was getting polluted by that sexist drivel. The last person he would have expected.

“I think we had better have a chat about this,” the man said in his calmest voice. “Go and sit in the office and I’ll be there in a minute.” After all, there was nothing to gain by losing his temper with the poor girl. She was easily influenced; something he had used to his own advantage often enough. So he could hardly blame her. It just needed a little work to undo the damage and turn her back into the sweetly innocent and compliant employee he knew so well.

Obviously this wasn’t the moment to jump out of bed naked in front of her, even with a cock that had deflated rather rapidly at this strange turn of events. Besides, Stormbringer needed a few minutes to gather his wits. So once the girl had left the bedroom, he took his time slipping into a dark blue silk robe, sipping the drink as he sat on the edge of the bed. Figuring it out didn’t take long at all, once the man thought back over what had happened. He had got too casual, just grabbing Candice’s tit like that. In previous encounters there had been some normal conversation first, usually related to how well she was doing at her job. From there, events progressed gradually towards intimacy, always with some excuse about how it was work related. An adjustment to her uniform which required him to touch her while doing it, or a bit of discipline for some trivial mistake was all it really took. The girl’s overactive libido kicked in and any protests were at best half-hearted and not really meant. But this time he had just been too fast and too obvious. And that, on top of the drivel she had been reading, was enough to stir some rebellion.

With that settled in his mind, the solution became fairly clear, as well as the opportunity which presented itself. He just needed to take the girl through carefully a step at a time and the evening could prove to be very interesting indeed. Another progression in teaching Candice some of the more exotic possibilities of her sexual potential as well as laying a foundation to make sure such objections never got in the way again. Stormbringer smiled to himself as he walked through into the office, taking a moment to select a volume from his bookcase before sitting down.

Candice was sitting opposite, huddled in upon herself as though trying to disappear into the chair, so he smiled reassuringly at the girl. Indeed, the man felt rather sorry for her in this bewildered state. It was his duty to calm her fears and unravel her confusions so she was happy again. How could he do otherwise for the poor young woman!

It was the least a considerate employer could do, after all.

“Now, Candice, I understand what you were saying and the book you were reading was right – a lot of the time.” Stormbringer sat relaxed; a friendly smile on his face tempered with an expression he hoped would give the impression of concerned benevolence. He had to make his case well; it would be extremely difficult to replace Candice with another girl who combined the same degree of sexual attraction with such naïve gullibility. “Of course, when you are walking down the street, or sitting in a park feeding the ducks, it would be quite wrong for someone to just grab hold of you without any invitation. Your body, as you so rightly say, is your own.” The girl began to relax a little at this, not having expected any such apparent agreement with what she had said.

“However,” Stormbringer’s smile faded just a little and his tone became somewhat reproachful, “I’m rather disappointed that you show so little trust and so little regard for your work here that you would take those ideas out of context. Anadolu Yakası Gecelik Escort After all, it’s not as if you are out on the street, and it’s not as if I’m some stranger. I am your employer, after all, and as such that puts rather a different slant on things.”

Candice began to look rather unsure and huddled back in on herself again as Stormbringer held up the book for her to see the title, Effective Worker Relations: A Businessman’s Guide To Handling Employees. “I’ll read you a couple of bits from this book,” he looked down at it and pretended to open it at the correct page knowing the girl would never challenge what he claimed it said. “When an employee is given the opportunity to work in a valuable job, that employee is by definition creating a relationship with her employer and with his business. So that means I’m not a stranger. Your job implies you need to liaise with me and anyone else you come into contact with as part of your work. And of course you know that a liaison means people do things that they don’t do with strangers.”

The girl frowned somewhat as she took in the words but then nodded hesitantly. By no means dumb, Candice filtered logic through a totally unique perception of how the world worked. Stormbringer was careful to phrase things so as to appeal to that distinctive sense of logic. It was how he had gained the girl’s trust and why she continued to work for him. That and perhaps the fact that she enjoyed the sexual encounters far more than she would ever admit, even to herself.

“And here,” Stormbringer continued. “An employee can be expected to put not only her time but also her whole being into fulfilling the requirements of her position. So while you are in this building you should be putting your whole being into your work.” Stormbringer turned the page, moving his eyes between the book and Candice’s face, carefully avoiding the expanse of naked thigh visible from the way the young woman was curled up on her chair. He was in benevolently paternal employer mode. “Your whole being, Candice, put into having liaisons with me and others you come across as a part of your important work. And as I’m sure a bright girl like you knows, a liaison means much the same as having a relationship or an affair. So when you are liaising, it isn’t the same as being in the street with a stranger, you have a special relationship with us.” Candice nodded rather more positively. This was making sense to her strange version of logic.

“Then it goes on, A good worker not only does her best in her own job, she also repays her employer for his trust in her by doing all she can to make him happy and relaxed, so he can do his own important work most effectively.” Stormbringer put the book down well away from the girl and made sure it was closed. “So you see, Candice, when I offered you such an important position here, I naturally expected you would understand that there was a relationship between me as your employer and you as my employee. One that means what you read in that other book isn’t relevant here. Do you understand me so far?”

Candice nodded ever so faintly, looking very miserable. Her perception of the world caused what Stormbringer said to make sense and that probably meant she had made yet another mistake. Would she still be able to keep the first job that appeared to value her as a person or would her boss decide she wasn’t worth the effort?

“Now I have to admit that I made an oversight in not explaining the situation to you properly. I should have taken more time to help you understand the ramifications of your work here. But I did believe that you trusted me enough to know I employed you for your ability to do a very valuable job, not because I wanted you for some casual, sexual purpose like the others you worked for in the past.” The man’s eyes met her innocent green ones and he willed his gaze to fill with disappointment. Candice found her vision blurring and had to look down. She had failed the only man who had been able to look beyond her physical body and see her potential as a person. How selfish of her!

“When I touched you earlier,” the man continued, “it was because I couldn’t settle down. After all, if I am too tense and not sleeping properly, I won’t be able to do my job properly and that would be a bad thing, wouldn’t it? And helping me to be relaxed is a part of your relationship work, just as it says in this book.” Stormbringer patted the volume on his desk without taking his eyes off the unhappy girl. “Candice, I respect you far too much as a person and I value the work you do far too much to just take advantage of you for selfish reasons. All I was looking for was to liaise with you for the benefit of my own job here.” He took a long pause. This was the critical moment and he could only hope it would turn out correctly. “Of course, you may decide that you don’t want to work for us any longer if you prefer to believe what it says in that other book you were reading. I’m sure there are hundreds of other young women who would be very happy to be offered such an important position.”

That Anadolu Yakası Genç Escort was all it took. The thought of losing her job and having to return to her previous life was just too awful to contemplate. “Oh no, Mr. Stormbringer Sir, I don’t want to leave here! I’m so happy to be able to do such important work for someone who respects me as a person. Please give me another chance and I’ll never object to you liaising me whenever you need to!”

“It’s not quite that simple, I’m afraid.” Stormbringer avoided any sign of his logical victory being displayed in his expression. “After all, I’m not sure I can trust you again now. But even if I can, you made a big mistake and that means I must find some big way to discipline you for it, just as we agreed when you started to work for me.”

“Anything Sir! I deserve to suffer after I let you down so badly. I really, really want to make up for my mistake and prove myself worthy of having a job here and being liaised by you.” The words and eagerness with which they were spoken caused Stormbringer to smile to himself; not least because they had been accompanied by a sudden studding of the sheer nightgown in the region of the girl’s nipples when he had used the word ‘discipline’. Another thing that Candice hid from herself was a certain masochistic tendency where sexual encounters were involved. Something that Stormbringer intended to take this opportunity to explore rather thoroughly. Both for his own enjoyment and to guide the girl onto the next stage of accepting those things that were likely to happen to her once he let her roam loose in the building.

And for her own pleasure too, of course. After all, he was a very considerate employer.

Chapter Two

Wandering through into the bedroom, Stormbringer freshened his drink; something he was perfectly capable of doing for himself, of course. Then he just had time to retrieve several items from a cupboard before the girl appeared once more. Still clad in her nightdress and slippers, Candice stood just inside the door awaiting instructions. The man was pleased to note that the previous signs of anticipatory nipple arousal had, if anything increased in the past few minutes.

“Come over to the bed, Candice,” Stormbringer gestured. The girl walked forwards slowly. With no real idea of what was about to happen, still she was fairly certain it would be painful and probably extremely naughty too. But she had accepted this man’s right to do what he deemed best to her and beyond that, there was the continuing anticipatory tingle in her tummy. She felt very aware of the thin silk garment brushing against her otherwise naked body as she moved and it was seemingly conspiring to make her feel awfully warm with it’s butterfly-wing caresses.

About to lie down, Stormbringer stopped the young woman and guided her into the position he wanted. The bed itself was set away from the nearest wall so Candice was able to kneel on it with her shoulders resting upon the centre of its padded headboard and her head hanging over the edge. In this position, the girl could see very little except the reflection of her own face in a nearby mirror. And once Stormbringer had laid both of her arms outstretched along the top of the headboard and secured her wrists and upper arms to the wooden frame with some silk scarves that fitted neatly through holes drilled there for that exact purpose, she couldn’t move too far even if she wanted to.

Before long the girl was even less capable of movement. Unable to watch in the mirror, she could only feel Stormbringer’s firm hands as they eased her legs wider apart and added additional bonds that held knees and ankles firmly in place. The man took his time, admiring the voluptuous body of his employee as she knelt splayed in the centre of the large bed, with her weight supported on shoulders and knees, and her curvy bottom jutting up invitingly. Then moving around behind the bed he crouched down so his face was level with that of Candice. “This is how you need to be placed so I can give you your special discipline,” he smiled reassuringly and stroked her cheek. The young woman smiled back a little tremulously but over her shoulder he could see her hips were again shifting in unconscious anticipation.

Stormbringer patted the girl lightly on the head and moved back around the bed. Candice would be able to see glimpses of him if she watched in the mirror but whatever he chose to do would be hidden from her; she would only feel the results. By contrast, the man could see all of her from the neck down but couldn’t easily see her facial expressions. It created the sort of anonymous experience which had a power to arouse all of its own.

There was no real rush to get started and after all, anticipation played a large part in such activities. So Stormbringer just sat on the edge of the bed next to the bound girl and sipped his drink while looking at her body. The slippers looked rather incongruous so he took them off her feet and put them aside. And the nightgown certainly delineated her bottom nicely, the soft material even draping into the cleft between her cheeks. But it didn’t do anything to show off her breasts in this position. Rather it hung down and shielded them completely. Should he expose her all at once or tease himself by leaving some of her body hidden? It was an absorbing decision either way and required a few more sips of his drink while he thought it over.

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