As soon as the door closed, Jason let out a big sigh of relief. What had just happened was something he had never dreamed in a million years possible of happening. And the tent in his shorts was not going to go away on its own. Or at least there was a more pleasurable way of relieving the tension, so to speak.
Dropping his shorts and underpants, he walked over to the sofa, sitting in the spot Janice was sitting. Taking himself in his hand he began stroking his very hard 8″ thick cock in a frantic motion. His thoughts of what he had just witnessed. The most amazing pair of tits he had ever seen in his life. To think they belong to a much older woman than what he was normally attracted to even made it more erotic. He was imagining fondling them with his hands and then sucking those large nipples into his mouth. That proved to be what sent him over the top as he exploded, shooting thick ropes of his cum onto his T-shirt. As he began to relax from his massive release of “tension”, he began to wonder what Janice was thinking.
Just as she made it to her car, Janice had tears streaming down her face. It was a basket of emotions she was trying to make sense of. First, was the fact that she was cajoled into doing something against her better judgment.
Second, she allowed another man to see her sexually. She felt she had betrayed her marriage vows even though her husband had passed away just over 2 years ago.
Third, her breasts were still aching to be fondled and groped. This was something she regretted having to do in her car but, desperate times called for desperate measures, her husband use to say.
Taking a quick scan around the parking lot making sure nobody was around. She started the car, then turned the air conditioning on high pointing the vents towards her as she was incredibly hot. She then eased the seatback until she was at a 45 degree. Then another glance around the parking lot now assured no one was around or could see her. She closed her eyes replaying in her mind what had just taken place.
Squeezing her breasts from the base to the nipple with a hard squeeze at the end. She kept repeating this action. All the while thinking about how naughty she was exposing her breasts to a stranger. A stranger that had to be the same age as her son & daughter. Those thoughts made her even more excited. She could feel how wet and steamy she was between her legs. Even with the air conditioning on high, she could smell the musk of her sex. This was proving to be too much for her as her first orgasm in years coursed through her body like a lightning bolt. AUGGHHHHH, she moaned over and over again as her body was convulsing from her thoughts and self-manipulation. After what seemed an eternity Janice regained what composure she could muster and drove away.
It was Wednesday when Jason’s cologne came in her weekly delivery of the previous week’s sales. Looking at the cologne, it immediately took her back to that day. Strangely it reminded her of how she felt as a young schoolgirl with her first crush. Her breasts suddenly became super sensitive, her nipples became even more pronounced visually as she could see them through her blouse. Not to mention the fire that was raging between her legs. But to be honest with herself ever since that day when she thought about this is what would happen. Although she would try to resist touching herself eventually her desires would become too much for her not to.
Today seeing his purchase was too much for Janice not to just go ahead and get it over with. Placing it on the nightstand by her bed, Janice began to undress. Imagining how she would do it if Jason was watching her. It began with her removing her blouse, slowly but seductively undoing the buttons. Dropping it to the floor she then started on her pants. First unbuttoning then slowly lowering the zipper pushing them down over her hips. Then she turned around with her back to the bed imagining Jason laying there watching her. Then she pushed them down while seductively bending over showing off her nice round ass. When she stepped out of them and turned back around she saw herself in the mirror on the dresser.
Although what she saw reflecting back at her she wasn’t ashamed of it, she knew she could look better. First, she had to get sexier bras & panties. Although they were practical for a woman in her mid-50’s she no longer wanted to be practical. She wanted to be sexy and confident. Now looking in the mirror at herself she removed her bra then her granny panties chunking them to the corner of the room. Placing her hands under her 32C breasts cupping them she could feel the weight of them. This felt good and she liked the way it looked in the mirror. Then with her thumb and finger, she began to roll her nipples between them. Doing this repeatedly sent shockwaves through her whole body causing her to moan out loud as she threw her head back her eyes closed. She continued to do this imagining it was Jason’s hands that were doing this to her. Telling her how he loved looking at her while she was touching her şırnak escort breasts.
Then suddenly it hit her like a freight train, another orgasm like she’d been having since that day in her car. Her knees went weak as her erotic sensations coursed through her body. Wave after wave of sheer intensity to slowly subsiding tremors. Janice moved her right hand down to the furry bush between her legs searching out her now very sensitive clit. Not that it was hard to find as it was unusually larger when aroused than most women. Or at least she thought but she really didn’t have anything to go by.
It was a source of embarrassment while growing up but her husband loved it as he was always good at giving it the attention it deserved. She then had the naughty thought would Jason feel the same way? Then her self-doubt kicked in as she wondered if he would even want to see her again. Would he even want the cologne he had purchased? After all, he had gotten what wanted by her letting him see her breasts. This killed her mood as she now felt ashamed. Walking over to the corner where her granny panties and bra were crumpled on the floor. She picked them up and began putting them back on as she finished dressing and went back to work. She needed to get all the items that were delivered distributed out to her clients. This filled the rest of her day as she forgot all about the cologne still sitting on her nightstand for Jason.
That night when she went to bed she saw it sitting there. Dejected she thought what am I going to with it? If I call him to tell him I have it, will he even answer the phone? Does he even remember buying it?
Self-doubt had always been a problem for Janice, although she had always been attractive while growing up she was painfully shy. John, her late husband, had been her high school sweetheart. They started dating the spring of her freshman year John was a junior. They even continued dating while he was in college. They both lost their virginity to each other the summer after she graduated from high school. Both their parents knew marriage was going to be in their near future so they embraced and supported them well before they got married. Their marriage happened soon after John’s graduation and 4 years later she had the first of their 2 children John Jr. and 3 years later daughter Amanda.
John was a very good provider both emotionally and financially as he was a very successful husband, father, and businessman. They were never rich in her eyes but, John had provided a very secure living for them through their marriage of nearly 30 years. Although money could be tight at times there was never any real worry about their finances.
That was until that fateful day when John who was seemingly healthy had a massive brain aneurysm and died in his office. That was 2 1/2 years ago now and Janice had struggled mightily to cope with the loss emotionally. Financially John had set her up well, the life insurance payment was just over 2 million dollars. The mortgage on the house had been paid off 2 years prior. There were stock investments through John’s 401k that were doing well. Both children had graduated from college before his death with no debt. So Janice was financially set for life as long as she lived within a budget which she was able to do.
It was a friend of Janice who had invited her to an Allure party that got her involved in selling the product. She saw it as a way of making a little extra money while working the hours she wanted to while also getting out of the house. She had been doing it for just over a year with moderate success. She would just sell enough to get on average $300 in commission checks a month. Which was fine with her it would cover her expenses with a little extra spending money.
So when she went to bed that night and saw the cologne still sitting on the nightstand it reminded her that she needed to at least try and contact Jason in the morning.
The next morning she found the sales slip with Jason’s contact information. Taking a deep breath for courage as she dialed his number.
It was 8:45 when Jason was about to walk out of his office to go to the conference room for the daily progress meeting. Just as he was picking up his cell phone it started vibrating. Who could this be as he looked at the caller ID? It read Henderson, Janice, and her phone number. His heart started beating a mile a minute as he answered.
Hello, Janice? He answered.
Caught off guard that he answered on the second ring and he knew it was her, surprised her.
Oh Hi yes, she stammered. I hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time.
Well, I was just about to go to a meeting. But it should only take maybe an hour or so would it be alright if I called you back when it’s over?
Oh, I’m so sorry to bother you. I should have known better than to call you in the morning. She remembered John use to have meetings in the morning as well.
Janice, it’s quite alright I’ve been looking forward to your call. So I’ll call you just as şırnak escort bayan soon as I’m done. Okay?
Sure okay, just whenever you get a chance, she replied.
With that, they both said goodbye and hung up. For both of them, it set off emotions that neither was exactly prepared for. Hearing his voice and the excitement that came through the phone that she had called him made her giddy with excitement. For Jason, hearing her voice was like hearing an angel speaking to him. Naturally being a young male, made another part of his body very excited as well. He immediately had to stop thinking about it and get back to the meeting ahead or he would be walking in with a tent in his trousers. Although he couldn’t completely get it back under control he walked in with a notepad covering it as best as he could.
Jason are you okay? Jack, the lead construction foreman asked him as he sat down.
Yes, why? Hoping he didn’t the bulge in his pants.
Well you look all red are you sick, have a fever, what’s the matter?
Do I? He replied trying to be convincing.
No, I’m fine, it must be the hot coffee I drank before I walked in here. So now that we’ve got that settled. So let’s get started Jack, where are we with this week’s progress requirements…
As soon as the meeting was over Jason stopped by Lois’s desk his administrative assistant, telling her that he had an important call to make and that he was not to be disturbed.
Okay, is everything alright? She replied as this was an unusual request as he had never done this before.
To quite her concern, he quickly said, oh no it’s just family health issues. Nothing major, I hope, as he gave the thumbs-up sign as he walked into his office closing the door behind him.
Lois had seen this before having grown kids of her own. He’s got a new girlfriend I bet.
Back at his seat, he looked at his phone and recent calls. There it was Henderson, Janice, and her number. He then hit the save button after adding her information with Allure Cosmetics and then to personalize it more he gave it a unique ring tone. This way he would immediately know it was Janice calling him.
Pressing send to call her now, he took a deep breath to calm himself. He didn’t want to come off as a childish schoolboy calling her. Janice being a mature adult woman. He didn’t want to sound immature when he spoke to her.
Hello, she answered.
Her voice was maybe a little more reserved than he had wanted to hear.
Yes hi, Janice. I’m returning your call.
Oh yes, I was just wanting to let you know your cologne has come in and was wondering if you still wanted me to mail it to you?
Janice knew he wanted her to deliver it to him but she wanted to give him an out in case he’d changed his mind. Plus she too was trying to be mature and reserved and not betray a giddy schoolgirl of emotions.
Well no, I was wanting you to deliver it to me if at all possible. Plus I’ve been looking through your catalog and I’m interested in some of your other products.
Okay great, when’s a good time for you? My calendar is open for this afternoon or tomorrow. Janice replied, with a little more excitement in her voice.
Unfortunately, my job has me working late today and tomorrow. Will Saturday be okay with you? Maybe around noon?
His job did have him working late but he could have made it work if had wanted but he wanted quality time with her.
Okay, Saturday noon it is. Do I need to bring some samples?
Sure, samples will be great.
She asked, is there anything, in particular, I should bring?
Um no, well just come over and we can discuss, he replied in near panic. Now he knew he had been busted in his scheme to have her come for more than just, here’s your cologne, and thank you for your purchase and see you later.
With a slight chuckle, she replied. Okay, Saturday at noon it is. I’ll see you then. And with that, they both said goodbye and they hung up.
When they hung up Jason was standing to help alleviate the tension of stiff cock in his trousers. His heart was racing as his mind was reviewing every word that Janice spoke. At first, he thought she was a little cold but as the short conversation went out he felt she relaxed a little and was receptive to come over to “discuss possibilities” of more sales.
Jason looking down at the tent in his pants wondering what to do with his raging hard-on? I did tell Lois that I wasn’t to be disturbed. Could I take the chance and rub this out real quick? What if I got caught? The hell with it, I can’t stand it any longer.
Dropping his trousers and briefs, his thick 8″ cock was released like a King Cobra springing out of a basket. Grabbing several tissues in his left hand he sat down behind his desk and went at it with his right hand. Stroking from the base of his cock going up to the head and down again over and over again. He was thinking about Janice not so much about her breasts but her voice. Her voice was like a sexy goddess speaking escort şırnak to him. Saying how much she wanted his big thick cock inside her. Her breasts bouncing about as he repeatedly slammed in and out of her over and over again. From deep inside of him, he could feel his seed building up to explode out of him. With his left hand, he placed the wad of tissue over his cock just as his orgasm spewed out. A loud moan of pleasure involuntarily came out of his mouth as ribbon after ribbon spewed out.
Oh shit, he muttered. I hope that wasn’t too loud he wondered to himself. He quickly realized he was going to need more tissues as his cum was running down his hand. Grabbing several more tissues, he threw what he had in his hand into the wastebasket. Then went to cleaning up the rest of which he was going to need even more tissue. He couldn’t believe how much he had cum! When he had finished cleaning himself up he had used up nearly half a box of tissues and the wastebasket was half full of waded tissues covered in his seed. He then realized that was a mistake he could never do again at work.
Opening the door to his office so that he could get back to the business of the day. Lois asked him if everything was alright. She had heard his faint moan and now he was all flush, she had a good idea of what he had been doing. Again she had boys of her own so she too had heard their moans of self-pleasure a few times herself. She only wished she could have been in there to receive it.
Lois has always thought highly of Jason as a handsome intelligent young man that if she was younger she would, of course, go after. If she only knew he had a thing for older women with nice breasts and Lois was diffidently in that demographic. If she only knew of the many times he had pleasured himself thinking about her bent over his desk. Or standing next to him while he was sitting at his desk while suckling from her ample breasts. But office relationships were highly discouraged so he had only pursued her in his mind.
As she hit end on her phone Janice was on cloud nine. The last time she had felt this way her freshman year in high school when John had called to ask her out. Her knees were shaking so much she had to sit down. Looking at her phone in her trembling hand reliving what he had said to her. How she had caught him in a lie about bringing samples. She knew what he really wanted, was to see her breasts again. She saw how he visually devoured her the last time. She remembered how that made her feel empowered. She had what he so craved but she controlled how much he got to see of them. She so wanted to feel that again as it made her feel strong and in control. So much of her life was about what others wanted from her not what she wanted or more important she had control over. She knew she could tease him by just showing cleavage and he would be coming back for more. But she wanted him to see her breasts again. She wanted to feel his eyes taking in as much of her as she would allow him to. She was confident that if Jason hadn’t jumped her the first time he would be a gentleman and not cross those bounds the second time.
After saving his contact information on her phone something unheard of for her to do. Janice placed the phone down beside her and fell into an erotic dream of how she would show Jason her breasts, the object of his desires. Removing her top she was now topless. Going without a bra around the house was common for her. Her fingers went directly to her already very hard and sensitive nipples. She pulled, twisted, and tugged on them imagining it was her young admirer Jason who was doing this to her. Her own self-manipulation was sending electrical charges through her entire body especially between her legs. As she fondled her nipples she was at the same time flexing her love canal muscles, her pelvic muscles, her thigh muscles, and every other muscle she could to get to the climax she so desired. AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH, she screamed out so loud that she was afraid her neighbors could have heard her and thought she was injured or dying.
As her body convulsed, her nipples became too sensitive to touch any longer. She released her nipples but grabbed the arms of the chair she was sitting in a death grip. Wave after wave of her orgasm flowed through and out of her. So much so she could feel a quickly growing wetness in her crotch as if she had wet herself. Ohhh myyy, she said out loud!
As she jumped up out of the chair not wanting to ruin the chair she’d been sitting in with what at first she thought was urine. With still very shaky legs she quickly pulled down the leggings she was wearing and quickly realized it wasn’t urine it was her own “private juice” as she had always called it. Now laughing at herself as to what she had just done. She was astonished that after going through the change when she was 49 and how horrible that was for the whole family especially John her late husband.
Still unbelieving that it was what she thought. She stuck two fingers inside herself and quickly realized just how incredibly wet and hot her vagina was. Her fingers felt like a red hot poker as she probed deeper and deeper inside herself. Falling to her knees she kept her fingers inside herself searching for that very special spot that John had accidentally found in a heated lovemaking session so many years ago.