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Subject: Brazilian Brothers, Chapter 3 The following story was inspired by 2 pictures, 1 of which captures a young Brazilian nudist boy enjoying body painting, the other of another young Brazilian nudist boy standing on a beach. There’s no way of knowing if the boys are related or not but for this story, we’ll pretend they are. I’ll try to describe the boys as best as I can but if you want an actual picture, let me know. As Brazilians, they probably speak Spanish or something similar but I don’t and I doubt you do, so allow me some wiggle room. Besides, whose to say they’re not bilingual? Maybe their parents had ties to America in some way. Anyway, seeing as how this is fantasy, a lot of allowances have to be made regardless. Hope you like it and if you do, let me know. ail Donate to Nifty, if you can. This will probably be the last chapter. However, there is a possibility of an alternative ending if anyone’s interested. (From Chapter 2) Once they were out on the trail, they headed back towards their home. They had to be careful because many of the villagers would be returning along the trail as well but when they got the chance, they did a quick kiss or copped a feel of either a member or a butt cheek. When either got a boner as a result, the towel proved to be sufficient to cover it. (Onto Chapter 3) One thing they didn’t know was that their older sister was following them home from a safe distance and every time they played grab ass (or dick), she had to catch her breath a little. Just in the short amount of time it had taken her brothers to enjoy themselves, she had quietly and quickly experienced double the pleasure. Unlike the boys, though, she didn’t need a towel to hide the affect it had on her as she slowly walked behind them. Although she knew them well enough to realize they were too preoccupied with each other to turn around and notice her, she was glad when other ladies from the village caught up with her so she could blend in. As they got closer to home and the trail became more like a human highway, the ass grabbing stopped completely and the boners temporarily discontinued. Even so, she still admired her brothers’ behnds from behind as they happily skipped along the trail. She couldn’t blame them for being in a good mood after what they had just done. She was happy herself for the same reason. As a fellow nudist, she had seen boys and girls of all ages naked as the day they were born, practically since the day they were born so there was no mystery as to what they looked like ‘down there’. In her mid-teens, she was well aware of her own body as well and had been following Gencio since the first time she noticed that he was sneaking off to discover his. Strange as it may seem, she had discovered a few things about herself while watching him, first alone and then including Jaren. Come to find out, she liked watching her brothers. She liked it a lot. She wondered if her parents would feel the same way as she did. Living with such a carefree attitude towards nudity, she hoped they were as open-minded about sexual things, even between family members. Another thing she had found out about herself was that not only did she like watching her brothers, she sort of wanted to join them at their hidden paradise. She didn’t have a boyfriend and her hand could only do so much. Besides, with two of them, that would double whatever pleasure a single boy could give her. At home that night, Jaren and Gencio laughed and teased each other, acting as if they hadn’t a care in the world or a secret they were hiding from everyone but themselves, the way their older sister did. She had to figure that she was the only one who noticed how close they had become since Gencio had first taken Jaren to the secret spot. She remembered they weren’t nearly as friendly with each other before that but all her parents could say was that they were thankful the boys got along so well since not all brotthers did. If they only knew, she thought to herself. Then, she had an idea. It was intriguing and daring but if she was careful, it just might work. It all depended on how her parents reacted to her questions and information. It would be best if she waited until the boys went to bed, which wasn’t too long after dinner. Being the oldest, she wasn’t expected in bed until over an hour after they were. “Hey, mom, dad? Can I ask you something?” The room was quiet, mostly, but you could still hear whispering and giggles coming from where Jaren and Gencio were supposed to be sleeping. Every once in a while, their mother tried to shush them but it only worked momentarily before the boys started up again. The father remained oblivious to both the noise coming from the boys and the company of his wife and daugther until he heard the tone of the girl’s voice. He looked up from what he was doing, suddenly very interested in what she had to say. “Of course, dear, what is it?” Her mother was also curious. “You’ve raised us to be comfortable with our bodies and with each other’s and I want to thank you for that but….” Her words spilled out quickly and with plenty of nerves, then trailed off as hesitation got the better of her. There was a moment of awkward silence, her parents looking at her expectantly, neither of them aware of where this was going but both anxious to find out. “But, like what about, like sex and stuff? I mean, how does that work exactly?” Unsure why she was so nervous when she knew the differences between boys and girls, and had for some time, she couldn’t help looking down. Then she realized it wasn’t necessarily this particular question that was causing the nerves but rather what the following questions would introduce şişli travesti into the conversation and the reaction of her parents concerning the subject. “Honey, we told you and your brothers all about that awhile ago. Of course, I’d be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have, especially being the only young woman in the house. If it’s a personal feminine issue, your father will be happy to give us privacy if you want.” Her mother glanced at her father, who simply nodded in agreement and leaned forward in preparation to stand and exit the room. “No, it’s nothing like that. He can stay if he wants and you’re right, I do know about the basics. I guess I was just wondering if maybe I could start, you know, trying it out with somebody.” So far, so good, she thought to herself. But the more difficult part was yet to come. “Oh, has some charming young man caught your attention?” Her mother asked nonchallantly, blissfully unaware of exactly which young man (or men, or boys really) she was referring to. “Well, I wouldn’t exactly call him a man yet but I guess you could say that.” “I know what you mean, dear. When I met your father, he was older than me but you would never guess it by his behaviour. You remember what I told you about girls maturing faster than boys; that’s just the way it is. So who is the lucky fellow? Surely I know him.” Oh you know him, and his little brother, very well. After all, you gave birth to both of them. “Yeah, you know him. I just wanted to get your permission before starting anything, that’s all. And don’t worry, I won’t get pregnant. I mean, provided I can borrow a couple things.” Suddenly she was shy discussing such an intimate matter. Being nude around family is one thing but asking for contraceptives from your mother in the presence of your father is still awkward, nudist community mentality or not. “That’s my cue to go outside for a smoke. Let me know when it’s safe to come back in for bed.” Her father smiled at his own joke, or rather his attempt at one, and his own cleverness of excusing himself from a strange conversation. He got up and left through the front door, pipe in hand. “So tell me more about this young man who isn’t exactly a man yet.” “Well, there isn’t much to tell. I mean, you already know him pretty well. And his little brother.” She suddenly looked down again, afraid she had said too much. Her mother had an inkling of where this might be heading. There were plenty of boys around her daughter’s age and several that she liked herself but not many had a younger brother that she would say she knew more than by first name. There was a small gleam of hope in her eyes that possibly her daughter was asking for something she had taken advantage of while growing up with brothers. Since she could tell her daughter was growing anxious and nervous, she decided to break the silence with a word of wisdom concerning getting involved with such matters. “It’s okay, you know, to do stuff with boys close to your own age. Just don’t let them make you do something that you’re not comfortable with. Gencio can be pretty stubborn about getting what he wants. Jaren, too, for that matter.” With that said, her mother stood up, walked to her, kissed her forehead, and left through the front door to be with her smoking father. This left her both confused and relieved. It was plain to see that her parents weren’t as naive concerning her brothers as she had originally thought and it would appear as though she had just been given permission to join them in their ‘secret’ sexual adventures. Then the thought occured to her that her mother had probably done such things with her uncles when they were kids. Her father probably had his share of fun with siblings as well. With a huge sigh of relief that the evening had went so well, especially starting as it had with an intimate viewing of her brothers’ passionate indulgence, she made her way to her bed. She soon fell asleep with a smile on her face and her hand between her legs. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “I told her it was okay. It took a minute for her to get it out because she was obviously super nervous but you should’ve seen the look of relief on her face when I said Gencio’s name. It looked like the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders. I hope that soon they’ll be ready to let us watch.” “So do I, sweetheart. Now, what do you say you and I go make use of that spot our boys seem to think is so secret?” The sun was down but the moon was up and it lit the way to the ‘secret’ spot. Husband and wife had a good time on that small patch of sand, somewhat cooler but still warm enough to provide a comfortable resting place for the couple, not that much resting was going to be taking place. The idea that their sons used that same place for the same reason made it even better for both of them. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The bustle of chores and activities kept Gencio and Jaren from returning for a little over a week. As teenage boys are apt to do, they had found other places to relieve themselves of pent up reserves but it didn’t compare to when they could be together. So when the opportunity finally presented itself, they were more than eager to jump at it and on each other. Of course, after this time, they would no longer need to hide at the spot but could safely do it at home…with an audience. Naturally, they didn’t know that as they crawled under the foliage into their haven that wasn’t as secret as they thought. From her nearby viewing vantage point, their sister watched as they enjoyed beylikdüzü travesti themselves, quietly thrusting and moaning along with them until all 3 reached their climax. She again admired their smooth brown bottoms as they crawled back onto the trail. Then she followed them. This time, though, she caught up to them on purpose, at first pretending to be oblivious to what she had just witnessed and simply saying she was on her way home, same as them. That part was true. Then she got between them and slung an arm over a respective shoulder. “I know what you two were doing and I want in.” She whispered into Gencio’s ear. The look of shock and embarrassment didn’t go unnoticed but it was a mix of emotions she could relate to, having felt them recently. “Talk to Jare about it so that next time I don’t have to watch from a distance…..again.” Without another word, she walked ahead of her brothers and then began to run so she could get home before them. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “I told Gen that I knew what they were doing and that I want in.” She panted as she spoke, trying to catch her breath and tell the news before the boys showed up. Her mother looked up from her work and smiled, glad that her children were beginning to realize just how much pleasure their growing bodies could bring them, not only alone but with each other. Her father also smiled as he sat and listened to the good news. “So I think I may need that certain thing soon.” She and her mother knew what she was referring to and, in fact, her father did too, although he pretended not to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “What was that all about? What’d she whisper into your ear, Gen?” Although growing up and beginning puberty, Jaren was still just a boy and could be quite an annoying little brother when he wanted to be. He repeated the questions, or some variation of them, while bouncing around Gencio until he was finally able to get an answer. As his mother had said, he could be quiet stubborn when it came to getting what he wanted. When he finally got the answer to his inquiry, he merely shrugged it off. Honestly, he didn’t have much interest in a girl’s body but if their sister wanted to join the fun, he could think of no reason to stop her. His only concern was: how would all 3 of them fit on their little towel at the secret spot? It was sort of crowded with just him and Gen. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When the boys got home, they arrived to find an unusual scene. Their parents and their sister were there in the main room and all turned to face them as they entered the house. It gave the impression that something was wrong, except that all 3 of them had mischievous smiles on their faces. “What’s going on? Why are you guys looking at us like that?” Gencio had an idea but had a very small hope that maybe it wasn’t what he thought it was. It was hope unfounded. “Your sister told us all about what’s going on, young man. And we just wanted to say, we’re happy that you have each other. And we don’t mind if you keep doing it, on 2 conditions.” Jaren and Gencio could say nothing but simply nodded, relief being an understatement of how they felt about all that their mother’s statement included. Apparently, instead of getting punished for their behavior, they were given permission to continue. Whatever conditions their parents wished to impose on them would be a small price to pay for the privilege. “Condition 1, no more doing it at the spot along the trail, it’s too risky. Condition 2, your sister is welcome to join you whenever she wants to, is that understood?” Their father posed it as more of a statement of fact, rather than a question, and his sons both nodded obediently. They knew better than to go against him. “Ok, then go get ready for dinner. It’s getting late.” Jaren turned to make his leave but Gen stood still, a question lingering in his mind that he wanted answered, although he was too shy to verbalize it. “What is it, Gen? Speak up, boy, but make it quick.” “Um, if we can’t do it at our spot anymore, where can we?” Although he always seemed brave and heroic to Jaren, he now seemed shy and insecure in front of his father, especially discussing something as intimate as pleasuring himself with his little brother’s body. “Here at the house, of course. It’s the safest place and no one will be around to watch, well except for your mother and I, if the mood happens to strike us. That’s another condition: we get to watch, whether that means from beginning to end or, and this is more likely, one of us happens to come home and catch you at it. If you can’t agree to all 3 conditions, we’ll have to keep you separate and I’m sure neither of you want that, from what we were told. So, what do you think? Maybe later tonight, once you’ve got some energy back, you could treat us to a show.” It didn’t go unnoticed by either Jaren or Gen that their father was idly fondly himself and was becoming erect as a result. Despite the strange situation, their own smaller organs were becoming engorged as well. Following the rules and guidelines they had been taught, both automatically covered their growing members with both hands in front of their crotches. “No sense in covering those, considering what we just talked about. In fact, no sense in letting them go to waste either. Perhaps the two of you are ready to give us a show BEFORE dinner.” Again, it seemed like a command more than a suggestion as their father settled into his seat and began to fondle himself with more intent. Gen and Jaren removed their hands from their crotches but made no move istanbul travesti toward each other, both still nervous about performing in front of a live audience. Call it stage fright. “What are you waiting for? I want to see what your sister’s so worked up about and I’m getting hungry. No sense in being embarrassed, we’ve all seen everything you got all your lives.” Now their father was growing impatient and he could get cranky if he was both impatient and hungry, a condition he was not far from. “Just do whatever it is you usually do, don’t mind us. But let your sister join if she wants. Come here, dear, and get comfortable. Our sons, and maybe our daughter, are going to put on a show.” Their mother sat down next to their father, placing a hand on his thigh. “It’s ok, Jare, just pretend they’re not here, like dad said.” Gen whispered into his younger brother’s ear, partly to calm his nerves, partly to calm his own. He took Jare’s hand and held it as the younger boy lowered himself onto his back on the floor. Once he saw his brother laid out like that, brown legs spread, the little dark brown spot calling his name, he forgot he had an audience and hoped Jare forgot it too. Once Jare was comfortable on the floor, Gen knelt between his raised, spread knees and lowered his face into the boy’s warm and inviting pubic region. The smooth folds of Jare’s silky purse of jewels contrasted with the soft but stiff tube of turgid flesh and the smell of the boy’s body aroma was intoxicating. He bathed the entire area with his tongue to the sounds of Jaren’s practically inaudibles moans of pleasure and soon felt the thrusting of the boy’s hips upward. He glanced up at his little brother’s adorable face, a smile evident at the corners of his mouth when he noticed Jaren had his eyes closed. Probably his way to block out the fact that their parents and sister were watching. Pretending they were once again at their favorite spot, Gen slipped Jaren’s organ into his mouth in one smooth motion, illiciting a moan from its owner and an accompanying hip thrust. He continued his actions on not only the small appendage but also the smooth sack of marbles beneath it, switching effortlessly from one to the other before sucking the whole package into his warm wet mouth at the same time. Now forgetting all about their audience, both boys were set on one thing: to make the other achieve an unforgettable climax. Once Jaren’s special spot was slippery with Gen’s saliva, the older boy climbed forward on his hands and knees, between Jare’s legs, and began to make out with his younger brother passionately. Their tongues extended from their faces and battled in the air before Jaren withdrew his and Gen’s into his mouth, their lips smackly loudly in the relative quiet of the room. Jaren wrapped his smooth brown legs around Gencio’s hips and pulled his brother as close to himself as he could while his hands wandered on the older boy’s bare back and lower to grab the round globes of pulsating muscle they found there. At first, the parents assumed that Jaren was about to be entered by Gencio; their daughter had said what they had been doing but not who was doing it to whom. Therefore, they were a little surprised to see what happened next. As if hearing their thoughts, Gencio carefully positioned himself so that his hips were hovering over Jaren’s stiff and eager organ as it stood proudly at attention. Short, but still proud. With Gencio pulling his round cheeks apart and Jaren holding himself at the base, they were able to have a close connection with little to no effort. With his little brother snugly fit into the comfort of his body, right where he belonged, Gencio leaned down and kissed Jaren again, then resumed his position and began to gently bounce himself on Jaren’s hips. As before, though, he kept most of his body weight off his little brother and did most of the work himself, althought Jaren did help by thrusting his small hips to meet the downward motion of Gencio. While he rode his younger brother, he looked him straight in the eye and mouthed the words ‘I love you’, then smiled. Jaren smiled in response, then closed his eyes in concentration. Only moments after, he began thrusting into Gencio with a new vigor, practically bucking the older boy off of him completely. Already stiff beyond measure, it only took a few strokes of Gen’s hand on himself to make him erupt the good stuff all over Jaren’s smooth brown chest. Seeing that was enough to make the younger boy shoot his own deposit into Gen, the most he ever had to date. Surely the fact that his parents and sister were watching had something to do with that. Once the boys collapsed into an exhausted heap, naked brown legs and arms entwined with each other so much so that they barely knew which was their own and which was his brothers, a happy pair of parents and one older sister left the room to get started with dinner. Since the boys had worn themselves out and fallen asleep, they could be left alone to rest and have something to eat later on. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “I thought you said you wanted to join them.” The father pointed out. “I would’ve but I still don’t have that thing yet. I mean, I want to have some fun but I don’t want to get pregnant.” “Well, they could’ve used the two holes that wouldn’t get you pregnant.” The mother pointed out, matter-of-factly. There was a moment of silence before all 3 burst into laughter. Back in the other room, Jaren and Gencio lay contentedly in each other’s arms and smiled mischievously. Neither were as asleep as they were thought to be and both (even Jaren) were looking forward to what fun their sister could bring to the table (or rather, floor). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Note: I didn’t go into much detail with the sister because this is in the gay section, not the bi, so I wanted to focus on the brothers.

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