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Aidra Fox

Subject: DOCTOR WHO, JEREMEY AND JESSE episode five EPISODE FIVE: PAST IS SMALLER THAN YOU’VE HEARD “Okay Doctor, where are we now?” Jeremy said. With a big smile warped onto his face. Jeremy was the optimistic one. He was also the one who could back up his mouth with a lot of power. He was a kung fu/ju jitsu/self defense master even at the young age he was at. He was an accomplished if just starting out actor. He also knew how to sword fight, knife fight, and well, in general just plain fight. Yet he was more a lover than a fighter and rarely used deadly force. He was someone you just loved. The Doctor loved him more than anyone could know and was completely obsessed with him. Whereas Jeremy was tough, he was also the sensitive one. The Doctor’s other young companion was not. Jesse. Jesse was stubborn, obstinate, caused fights from which he would need Jeremy’s help out of, and was, in all, a wise ass. He was also completely cute with his green eyes, sing song voice and hip hop attitude. Jesse was a rising pop star and his rising made the Doctor and Jeremy rise too, as well as himself. Jesse was into himself and he knew, the Doctor knew it and Jeremy knew it. No one, however, could mess with Jesse without the wrath of Jeremy. Jeremy would protect him no matter what. Which the Doctor was not sure was a good thing. Jesse stretched, his thin short shirt showing his belly, flat and curved at the same time. He took off his purple/pink shades, sunglasses to some. “I don’t care, it’s warm and nice and I can get plenty of sun here, me thinks.” bursa evi olan escort Jeremy looked at the Doctor, eyeing, “Me thinks?” Jesse looked, “Yeah look around, it’s a tropical paradise.” “Yeah,” Jeremy stretched out the words as if to not sound convinced. “Like I asked, Doctor, where are we?” “Well, it’s a bit difficult to say really,” The Doctor said. “You don’t know, do you?” Jesse shrugged, “Never mind, point me to the way of the beach.” He moved off. “Ahh, Jesse, I dont’ think we should wander too far from the TARDIS this time,” The Doctor put a hand out but Jesse moved onward anyway. “And to answer Jeremy’s question, I believe we are on the island of Flores, a strange archipelago, east of Java, one of many between Australia and Asia, which probably broke off…” “Ahh, when are we then?” Jeremy puffed, “It’s really humid and I thought it wasn’t that humid in Australia and Asia in my time.” “That’s a bit more difficult to pinpoint. The ahh, Tardis, is being a bit more…well, I’d say from the look of this…” The Doctor moved to a tree and some hanging leaves, “…about maybe 18 thousand years ago…” Jeremy’s eyes widened. He was stunned. He couldn’t say anything. If he could, he would have said, “That long ago?” “Yes that’s about right,” The Doctor smuged up, rising up to his full stature, which wasn’t even as tall as his two companions. The point was that Jesse was now out of sight behind some rocks and trees, some of them smoking. “Oh and don’t worry about the volcano…” “Volcano!” altıparmak escort Jeremy gasped. He looked upward. For signs of one. “It shan’t go off…that I can tell…the signs are not for an eruption…” “Oh good…” “Of any magnitude.” “What? Shouldn’t we just go back inside and have some fun?” “Well, your partner’s taken off it seems and…” “JEREMY!” It was good, the Doctor thought, that when his companions found themselves in deep trouble, that instead of calling for him, they could call for each other. At least Jeremy was able to respond and help, even more so than the Doctor. “DOCTOR COME HERE AT ONCE!” Jesse was facing a small man and woman. They were obviously pre historic and even older. But they were waving spears at his middle…for that was as high as they could reach. They were three feet tall. Jesse put his hands up. His pink short sleeve shirt matching his darker slick pants. “I mean no harm. I hope…I hope you do too. Mean none I mean. Doctor!!!” “Ahhh, there it is, shall we go find himmmmmm…” The Doctor glanced back at Jeremy and behind, the TARDIS. Jeremy was scooping his arm to encompass the shorter Doctor away from the TARDIS, which in its turn was being scooped up by a giant mammoth. Tusks held the long blue box in it and the beast ran with it, as Jeremy had shoved the Doctor away from the area, just to be plunged down toward a crag in the rock footing. The elephantine beast’s legs on the left side just missed them. “Jeremy you almost ruined my….” The Doctor stood up bursa merkez escort and Jeremy followed. “What was that? Some kind of elephant?” “Yes, only a bit larger than it should be.” “Looked elephant size to me.” “Yes,” the Doctor cleaned his leather jacket off a bit, “But in this time and on this place, elephants, as we shall call them…were supposed to be smaller.” “I thought I read that on some of these islands things, animals that were larger in life, our life, were stunted over time and those who were smaller, grew larger and…” “DOCTOR, JEREMY! I COULD BE DEAD ALREADY!” “More’s the pity,” The Doctor joked. “C’mon!” Jeremy hesitated, “But…the TARDIS!” “One thing at a time but not in that order!” The Doctor yelled and kept running. He stopped short when he came to Jesse who had two spears poised at his navel. “Oh, okay. Okay, easy does it all of you. Hello!” The Doctor smiled at the two ancient people, who looked a bit ape like in the face and were not taller than three feet, a man and a woman. Full grown. For them. “I don’t think they mean us any harm, Jesse.” “They’re not pointing spears at your gut!” “They are now,” Jeremy said, almost gleeful. The Doctor followed suit, “See. They are now.” Jeremy leaned in, from in between the two, “I don’t think they mean you any harm.” The Doctor looked up, “Too right. I think they are friendly, warning us against something…” Jesse frowned, “Something? Like what?” “Like that!” Jeremy pointed up. From over the trees, a giant komodo dragon rose its head up and pushed through the flora. “It’s bigger than it’s supposed to be!” “Yes!” The Doctor said, “When I say run…” to be continued in DOCTOR WHO EPISODE SIX: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE DOCTOR WHO, THE TARDIS and other items from the BBC series are owned by the BBC, not me! No copyright infringement is meant. Thanks.

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