
The Great Depression

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Back in the nineteen thirties when the Great Depression hit hard, like so many young men I found myself on the bones of my arse. One afternoon as I passed by a farm I was starving. I simply couldn’t resist and soon found myself knocking at the front door.All I had eaten over the previous few days was half a loaf of stale bread. It felt like my gut was attacking my mouth in a constant state of tumult, as I constantly salivated with hunger pangs. ‘Jesus… I have to have some food,’ I desperately thought.As the front door opened a huge farmer glared at me. “Please, sir… I am starving,” I pleaded. “I am really very hungry.”The eyes before me initially observed me with an angry expression, before softening somewhat. After a few moments of silence, the man smiled and said, “Come inside, boy.”After moving his body to the side I sheepishly entered. “Sit down at the kitchen table,” he commanded.After placing my shoulder bag next to the chair he ushered me to, my olfactory senses went into overdrive with the smell of cooking food. It smelt like meat and I couldn’t remember the last time I had tasted that delicacy. I began frantically swallowing my spit as my mouth started to drool, as Avrupa yakası escort bayan my entire body trembled in anticipation. When the plate was put before me I had to restrain myself as never before, from simply sticking my head directly into the dish and sucking up the food.After a brief, ‘Thank you, God’ missive, he invited me to dig in. It took every fibre of my being not to simply lift the plate and empty to contents down my gullet. ‘Food… fuckin’ glorious food,’ I thought. ‘Oh, Jesus… thank you, thank you, thank you,’ my mind concluded.With great restraint, I tried to eat in a controlled fashion. “Times are hard,” the farmer finally said, before continuing, “Thank goodness Roosevelt is in the White House and trying to get the country back on its feet,” he concluded. I couldn’t give a fuck about politics; all I could think about was the wonderful food I was enjoying.“Yes sir, you are right, sir,” I replied. Truthfully, my starving stomach had no allegiances.After I had consumed my food, he said, “You stink, boy, we need to get yer cleaned up.”“Sorry, sir,” was all I could offer in reply.“Not yer fault. But in this Escort Ataköy house, we bathe once a week. On Sundays,” he proclaimed.“Yes, sir, thank you, sir,” I replied.“What’s yer name?” he inquired.“Maurice, sir,” I answered.“No ‘sirs’ here, buddy, name’s Mac. My surname’s McDonald, but everyone just calls me Mac,” he explained.“Should I call you Mr. McDonald, sir?” I questioned.“Nah… Mac will do,” he concluded.After supper, two large pots of hot water were poured into a tub that he had placed in the kitchen. After adding cold water he handed me a towel and a bar of soap. “Well… strip and get in the tub,” Mac ordered. After doing as I was told he collected my clothing, before emptying the contents of my bag. “I had better wash all your clothes, they sure need to be cleaned,” Mac announced before busying himself with the task.“Thank you, sir… I mean Mac. I really appreciate what you are doing for me,” I said before I vigorously commenced washing.“You can stay with me, and after we get yer strength up in a day or two you can do some hard work on the farm,” Mac proclaimed.“Anything sir, I mean Mac… I’m a hard worker, I promise you,” I replied.“Good,” Şirinevler escort Mac replied, with authority.Judging Mac to be in his forties, I asked, “Were you ever married, Mac?”“Nah, never had time for women… they’re just too much trouble, boy,” Mac answered.After finishing in the tub I got out and towelled myself dry, before putting on the huge shirt that he had supplied for me. As I helped to dispose of the water in the tub, Mac said, “Toilet’s out back, boy.”After assisting Mac hanging my washing he said, “Only got one room and one bed in the house, so yer’ll be bunking with me, boy.”“I am happy to sleep on the floor, Mac. That’s no problem for me,” I confirmed.“Nah… that won’t be necessary,” he stated assertively. Finally arriving in the bedroom I was blown away by Mac’s huge bed. Picking up on my expression he laughed, and then said, “Yer think there’s enough room for yer on this bed?”Smiling ecstatically I felt like I had just won a jackpot. I had food, a job, and a decent warm bed to sleep in… life just couldn’t be any better.“I sleep naked, boy, hope that doesn’t affect yer sensitivities?” he reported.“No… no problem sir,” I replied.Mac was big and hairy. He did not have much body fat, but it was clear that he was very powerfully built. When his underpants were removed I was amazed by the size of his dick. It was thick and floppy. Shortly, we were both in bed. Before he extinguished the candle he gave me a benevolent look before saying, “It’s all going to be okay, boy.”

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